How do you get rid of swollen eyelids after eyelash extensions?

Use a cold compress to reduce discomfort and swelling (eye pads may be better if you're trying to maintain your eyelashes). Use a small amount of cortisone cream. Any symptoms that last longer than 24 to 48 hours should be evaluated. If your symptoms are severe, such as extreme swelling, pain, or itching in the eyelid or eye, see your doctor.

While eyelash extensions are a popular beauty procedure and can look great, they're not without risks. The glues used to adhere eyelash extensions to eyelashes include chemicals and ingredients that can be irritating or harmful. Eyelash extensions are popular on catwalks and on the red carpet as a means of making people's eyes look bigger and bigger. Often, people who have had eyelash extensions applied are afraid of getting wet, but it's essential to wash your eyelashes carefully every day to keep them clean and free of bacteria and debris that cause infections.

Mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner, and eyelash extensions contribute to the buildup of bacteria both inside and around the eyes. Eyelash extensions trap dirt and bacteria and keep them close to the eyes, something that normal eyelashes naturally protect against. If you're going to have eyelash extensions applied for the first time and you're not sure how your skin will react, the best way to prevent a reaction is to ask the technician to test you with the patch one or two days before your appointment. Eyelash extensions may look nice, but people should be careful when using them and make sure they're safe.

Asako (left) and Naoko (right) are certified eyelash stylists and the owners of Divine Lashes, a site for eyelash lovers to meet and learn more about eyelash extensions and lifts. If you experience eyelid swelling after eyelash extensions or any of these symptoms above, you should see your eyelash technician and see an ophthalmologist. If you notice any signs of swelling or pain around your eyes after putting on your eyelash extensions, ask your eyelash stylist to remove them and contact a doctor right away. The risks of false eyelashes include allergic reactions to the glue used to attach extensions and erosion of the inner surface of the eyelid, which causes permanent damage.

Unlike false eyelashes, eyelash extensions are designed to be a more durable solution for beautifying your natural eyelashes. I've even had clients who know they have a mild allergy to eyelash extension glue; to prepare for their appointment, they take Benadryl before coming. Extensions can also cause eye irritation after eyelash extension, inflammation of the eyelids and the ocular surface. An allergic reaction to eyelash extensions is similar to other contact allergies, also known as contact dermatitis.

Mattie Cournoyer
Mattie Cournoyer

Lifelong music scholar. . Award-winning travel advocate. Hardcore coffee specialist. Extreme food guru.